Save Money Without Sacrificing Dignity: 8 Tips for Planning an Affordable Cremation Service

by | May 26, 2023 | Funeral Services

Losing a loved one is difficult enough, and the added cremation costs in Hayward can make it even more overwhelming. However, it’s possible to plan an affordable cremation service that still honors the memory of your loved one with these tips:

1. Direct cremation: This is the most affordable option, as it does not include a formal funeral service or viewing. Instead, the deceased is taken directly to the crematorium for cremation. (You can still hold a memorial service at a later time.)

2. Casket cost: Even if there’s no viewing, you still need a casket or cremation container, because it shelters and protects the deceased during the transfer process to the crematorium. Click here for a list of cremation casket prices.

3. Avoid embalming: The state does not make embalming mandatory. However, the facility that houses the deceased must refrigerate the unembalmed body if cremation or funeral has does not take place within 24 hours.)

4. Simple urn: Remember, the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Super was said to be simple and wooden. Likewise, the urn you choose doesn’t have to be expensive and ornate.

5. Plan a home memorial: Holding the memorial service at home can save on rental fees for a venue. Plus, it can be a more intimate, personal experience. Check with a funeral support service to see if there are any rules or regulations regarding home memorial services.

6. Ask for help from friends and family: Ask any willing family or friends if they are able to help with preparations, as it can save on costs like transportation, preparing the body, and even catering.

7. Consider advanced planning: Advanced planning services locks in prices at current rates.

8. Look into government benefits: Finally, the government may provide financial assistance in some cases. Check with your local Social Security office to see if you qualify for any benefits or click here for more information.

Holding an affordable service can still be a dignified and respectful way to honor the memory of your loved one. If you live in Hayward, CA and still have questions about cremation costs, make sure you connect with Holy Sepulchre Cemetery & Funeral Center at the earliest.

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