Seeking Relief From Pain Through Medications and Lifestyle Changes

by | Sep 5, 2019 | Healthcare

Living your life in chronic pain can make it difficult to perform even the simplest of tasks. Fortunately, there are options available for pain management in Wyomissing, PA. When you meet with your doctor, you need to talk about where you hurt and possible reasons as to why you’ve been in so much pain so that the proper treatment plan can be devised.

Basic Medications

One of the things that you can do to try to relieve the pain that you have is to take over-the-counter medications. There are many to choose from depending on where you’re hurting, such as headache medications and those that contain an anti-inflammatory. This is often the first step that leads to seeking further intervention from your doctor. If these pain medications don’t relieve your pain, then it would be an indication that further treatment is needed.


When you visit a doctor for pain management in Wyomissing, PA, you could be prescribed oral medications or those that you apply to your skin. There are also implants available that provide a steady release of pain medications but at a smaller dose. Injections are an option to consider as well. You would go to the office as often as your doctor feels that you should have pain medication injections or when you are unable to tolerate the pain that you feel.

Lifestyle Changes

There are a few changes in your lifestyle that you can make to relieve pain. Exercising can relieve tight muscles and joints. It can also help with weight loss, which is beneficial for pain relief as well because you won’t carry around as much excess weight on your body. Massage therapy is an option to consider as well. You could consider acupuncture as this method of pain relief targets specific muscles and areas of your body.

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