When you owe back federal taxes, you could put your finances and assets at risk of seizure if you fail to make any payments on this debt. You also could face imprisonment if you ignore the attempts of the government to collect on what you owe.
You do not want to go to prison or have your wages garnished and assets seized. To safeguard your best interests fully, you can hire someone like an Arlington Heights IRS protections attorney to represent you.
Protecting Your Income
The IRS can garnish your wages and freeze your bank account if you do not make payments on your federal tax debt. You have no access to that money until the debt gets satisfied in full.
However, your lawyer can negotiate with the government to work out a tax payment plan so you can keep all of your wages and access to your bank account. You can make monthly payments on what you owe. As long as you make payments on time as agreed, you may avoid having your income garnished and bank account frozen.
You can also avoid going to jail when you have your lawyer negotiate a payment plan on your behalf. You can find out more about what legal services an Arlington Heights IRS protections attorney can offer to you online.
To schedule a consultation or discuss what tax predicament you find yourself in, reach out to North Suburban Legal Services LLC.