The pharmacists role is more than filling prescriptions at a pharmacy. Their jobs are often more complicated than they first seem and require several years of specialized education and certification in order to fill this position. Pharmacists are often the face of the pharmacy to the patients and they are the ones that patients seek out when they have question but their duties do not stop there.
A pharmacist distributes prescription drugs to people. They advise patients, doctors and other individuals in the health industry on the selections, dosages, possible interactions and side effects of the prescribed medications. They also monitor the health and progress of their patients to be sure they are using their medicines effectively and safely. Most pharmacists work in a community pharmacy setting. These work places process prescriptions, distribute the medicines, counsel the patients that have questions, even covering questions about medical supplies rancho palos verdes and advise doctors. They can answer general health questions about eating habits, exercise and stress management and offer information on medical supplies rancho palos verdes or other health care supplies. They complete large amounts of paperwork, most of which is related to third-party insurance forms. For those pharmacists that own their own pharmacy, they may oversee the hiring and staffing of their location, determine what non-health related materials to stock and oversee daily operations of the pharmacy. Some community pharmacists offer special services to their patients in areas such as diabetes, hypertension options and even asthma. Some pharmacists have been trained to administer vaccines and offer this service as well. Some pharmacists specialize in drug therapy areas, such as elder care pharmacy and psychiatric pharmacy.
Most pharmacists keep digital records of the patients prescription history to prevent negative drug interactions. The pharmacist is responsible for the accuracy of every filled prescription but they often rely on a staff of pharmacy technicians to help them dispense the medications. In this case, the pharmacist oversees the completion of the filled prescription. Pharmacists frequently oversee pharmacy student interns in training for their field. Some pharmacists are involved in research studies for pharmaceutical manufactures, working on developing new medicines and testing the effects or on the effectiveness of medical supplies rancho palos verdes.
There are so many areas that pharmacists work. It really does go beyond the role that most people see, which is the pharmacist that distributes their personal medications behind the counter.