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Good doctors are vital assets when it comes to regulating and maintaining our good health. One very important doctor that no woman should avoid visiting is the obstetrician/gynecologist. Obstetricians work with pregnant women to ensure a healthy pregnant, healthy newborn, and healthy mother. Gynecologists perform yearly checkups on women to insure the health of their womanly parts, such as the uterus, ovaries, and breasts. Almost every doctor of “womanly matters” is certified as both an obstetrician and gynecologist, since they’re so closely related.
The job of an obstetrician is to help a pregnant woman stay healthy throughout her pregnancy. The doctor will monitor the expecting mother periodically throughout her pregnancy, performing observation tests and ultrasounds at the appropriate stages of pregnancy. All visits and tests are designed to monitor the health and wellness of both the mother and the unborn child. Obstetricians also participate in the delivery of babies. They work alongside a nurse to ensure the healthy deliver of newborns as well as the good health of the birthing mother.
Gynecologists work to keep women healthy and their bodies in good working order. It’s recommended to see a gynecologist yearly for appropriate exams that check for internal issues as well as cancer. Gynecologists monitor the health of your uterus, ovaries, vagina, cervix, and breasts through the use of appropriate tests during your yearly visits. These doctors perform pap smears to check for any issues or cancers based in your unique womanly parts. They also perform ultrasound for more thorough checks of your anatomy if they suspect any problems. Gynecologists perform breast checks as well as mammograms after a certain age to check for breast cancer. They’re also certified to explain different methods of birth control and prescribe them for you.
Obstetrics and genecology go hand in hand, so one doctor is usually certified in both areas. In addition to helping maintain a woman’s health before, during, and after pregnancy, they are also knowledgeable in fertility issues. If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, an OBGYN can treat you with fertility drugs to assist in pregnancy. If you still have trouble following their treatment plan, your doctor can refer you to a fertility specialist for additional help getting pregnant.
OBGYNs have a very unique, yet diverse job to perform. They look after the wellbeing of all things woman. They perform yearly visits with each patient to ensure her woman health; they check for cancers and other abnormalities. They also help pregnant women continue with a healthy pregnancy for both she and the unborn baby. They also deliver babies. Obstetrician/gynecologists are trained in areas of birth control and fertility, and they’re able to assist with prescribing medication pertaining to these issues. You should never skip appointments with your OBGYN, as it’s very important to your health.
Seeing a OBGYN can be embarrassing, but it’s a necessary part of a woman’s life. Long Island OBGYN work to make sure your “woman parts” are healthy and functioning properly. Dr. Polcino is an OBGYN based in the Long Island, New York area and has been helping women for over 30 years.