Tips for Reducing Dogs’ Anxiety Before Visits to the Veterinarian in Millersville

by | Sep 29, 2018 | Animal Health

Few dogs, or owners for that matter, enjoy visits to the veterinarian in Millersville, but for pet owners whose animals experience extreme anxiety about seeing the vet, these trips can be a nightmare. That doesn’t mean owners have to resign themselves to fighting their pets every step of the way. Instead, read on to find a few tips for handling veterinary stress in dogs that can make the experience less unpleasant for everyone involved.

Bring Toys

Many dogs become nervous in strange environments, and although most conscientious pet owners do take their animals in for wellness visits, these visits rarely instill much confidence in already frightened animals. Bringing along a favorite toy often helps nervous pooches calm down, offering a dose of familiarity and comfort.

Plenty of Treats

It’s rare to meet a dog who isn’t motivated by delicious treats. Bring along a bag to reward the animal’s good behavior in the waiting room or even on the exam table, with the vet’s permission of course. It’s a good idea to keep meals light on the day of the visit to compensate for the extra calories as well.

Ask About Happy Visits

Some veterinarians allow owners to take their pups in for what are sometimes called “happy visits.” These are not wellness checks, as no exam takes place. Instead, owners simply take their dogs into the clinic while they’re feeling just fine and have staff members give them attention and feed them treats to encourage a more positive association.

Avoiding Car Ride Anxiety

If the only time that an already anxious dog gets in the car to go for a ride it ends in a trip to the veterinarian in Millersville, even getting the pup into the car, to begin with, can be a huge hassle. Bribing nervous dogs with treats can help and so can take them out for joy rides that end with walks in the park or other fun activities. Owners will find that, at the very least, this trick makes the actual trips to get to the vet’s office much more pleasant.

Find the Right Veterinarian

The right veterinarian or veterinary clinic will offer a calm, soothing environment for its patients. If a dog responds poorly to the veterinarian him or herself, it might be time to look for a new one. Check out Gambrills Veterinary Center to get the search started off right.

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