When it is essential to diagnose certain health issues, MRI is a crucial tool. It can help save lives. Many medical facilities are equipped with MRI machines. The more advanced and patient-friendly are traditional and open MRI centers. They utilize technology that addresses the concerns of all their patients, including those with confinement issues.
Purpose and Description of Traditional and Open MRI
Centers know MRIs allow medical professionals to examine the interior of the body. They make it possible to note any anomalies found in the skeletal structure as well as within the brain. Medical professionals can then use the resulting scans to diagnose the problem. The scans also can provide a basic blueprint from which a doctor can prepare a treatment plan.
Traditional MRIs require patients to lie or stand still in a confined space. The equipment hums loudly. Even with the current advancements in MRI technology, some issues still exist for specific individuals.
For patients unable to withstand the required posture, those who are overweight, obese, and/or claustrophobic, open MRIs are a relief. These machines are constructed differently. Their shape removes the perceived confinement associated with traditional MRIs. Instead, they offer increased space and greater airflow. The openings are wider and, therefore, less confining. Moreover, the patient can sit or stand – more comfortable options. That the technician managing the process can maintain eye contact and communicate easily also increases the relaxation level.
Advantages of an Open MRI
Centers that employ open MRIs do so to increase the mental and physical comfort of their patients. They know it reduces the stress and anxiety associated with what is a necessary medical procedure. In the process, it reduces the instances of image corruption from impatient movements.
Open MRI Orlando combines the latest technology with the highest standard of care to offer its patients comprehensive diagnostic imaging services. To learn more about what high-quality services its specialists offer, Contact Open MRI of Orlando today.