Our lives are infinitely enriched by our pets, especially our dogs, who give us the unconditional love and acceptance that can be hard to find in many relationships. There’s no question that our dogs look up to and idealize us as owners, which means that it’s our responsibility to not only care for them but also to train them with the skills and habits necessary for their well-being. Falls Church VA Woofs! Dog Training Center experts say that a well trained dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences for both dog and owner, and encourage all pooch parents to go through a basic obedience course in order to develop good habits on both ends of the leash. Having the confidence that your dog will obey can make life together much more relaxed and enjoyable.
Some people resist the idea of obedience training because they worry that it restricts the natural abandon and joy of a dog, but your pet needs boundaries and expectations just like a child does. If your dog doesn’t know what your standards are, he has no idea when he does something wrong or right, which can create a seriously confusing atmosphere that takes a lot of the happiness out of the pet and owner relationship. When an untrained dog does something like chew up your shoe, you naturally get angry, but the dog doesn’t understand why. To him, it was a normal thing to do; to you, it’s destructive. Without teaching him guidelines for appropriate behavior, he has no idea what you’re expecting from him; therefore, no behavior is off limits. By contrast, a dog that has been properly trained and knows exactly what is and isn’t acceptable understands when he has done something wrong and knows it shouldn’t be repeated. This can be invaluable when it comes to leading a safe and happy life with your pet; a dog that doesn’t respond or obey an owner can find himself in harm’s way all too quickly.
Whether your pooch is a long time family member or a relatively recent addition, going through training at Falls Church VA Woofs! Dog Training Center is the best way to guarantee that you will be able to enjoy each other’s company for many years to come.