For a long time, the general perception was that concussions come not only from high-impact collisions but also occur directly to the brain. That is not necessarily the case. There are different areas of the brain and spine where impacts can lead to concussive symptoms.
Knowing cervical concussion symptoms can shed some light on the impacts that come from a cervical concussion in Atlanta, GA. Let’s take a deeper dive into cervical concussions.
Cervical Concussions
There are impacts that can wind up causing a concussion in such a way that it has an impact on the neck and/or spinal cord. Depending on the nature and severity of the injury, it can lead to pain, muscle weakness, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs, headaches, and more.
A cervical concussion in Atlanta, GA, can be created even when the impact is not directly to the skull. Think of whiplash motions and the effects they can wind up having.
The Impacts of Concussions
We are still learning the more common impacts that come from concussive blows. One of the more common is changes in mood and thought processes. Whether concussive blows lead to increased anxiety, stress, irritability, or major behavioral and emotional changes, they can all have the ability to negatively impact one’s life.
Concussions are still something of an unknown quantity. Being able to identify the problem, narrow it down to a cervical concussion in Atlanta, GA, and provide the requisite treatment can make an important difference in the healing process and treatment.