Treatment At We is Eyes Includes Diabetic Retinopathy Evaluation Service

by | Jan 12, 2016 | Eye Doctor

The eyes are key organs in the body. Like other organs, there are many conditions that can attack them. For instance, illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, contribute to dry eye. Dry eye can be painful and make one’s vision blurry. Proper lubrication is key to eye function and health. The constant dry eye can lead to inflammation of the eye tissue. People with this problem have to use artificial tears to get relief. Severe cases may require prescription drops.

Visit Website Domain to learn more about dry eye. We are eyes include Diabetic Retinopathy Evaluation service. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in the U.S. That may be because diabetes is so prevalent. The disease can damage the small blood vessels of the retina. This is known as Diabetic retinopathy which causes the vessels to leak fluid. People with diabetes should have eye exams regularly.

We are eyes include Diabetic Retinopathy Evaluation service is very important. Indeed, a large majority of people, who have had diabetes for more than 20 years, will get this disease. Research shows that most of these cases could be prevented with proper monitoring. In addition, glaucoma is another eye disease that can cause blindness. This disease attacks the optic nerve. As a result, patients have more ocular pressure. This is a progressive disease which can be treated with medication. Often, seniors suffer from cataracts. Cataracts make the eyes turn yellow and have a murky appearance. They are caused by UV exposure, diabetes, age and hypertension. If they are affecting one’s vision, laser surgery is usually recommended.

Retinal bleeding is an indication of macular degeneration. This condition causes the retina to thin out. People with a severe case can lose their vision. There are wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. Patients with the dry form take vitamins that slow the disease down. The wet form has more severe side effects and is treated with injections that target blood vessels. Vision is an important sense for many people. They could not imagine being legally blind or blind. That is why proper eye care should be a part of a healthy lifestyle.

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