Types of Physical Therapy for Neuropathy by Surprise, AZ

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Health

Chiropractors Patients with neuropathy respond well to certain exercises, which is why physical therapy for neuropathy in Surprise, AZ, is important. Types of physical therapy used to treat neuropathy benefit patients in the following ways.

Improves Range of Motion

Passive range of motion exercises helps patients improve their range of motion and maintain it. Self-stretches using a stretching strap help patients go deeper into stretches and hold the stretch for longer periods.

Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Physical therapists use weights and other resistance exercises to strengthen muscles. Included in this category are isometric exercises. Plank and side bridge are two types of isometric exercises that improve muscle strength considerably.

Balance Training

Therapists are concerned about falls when working with many of their patients. Incorporating appropriate balancing training into a physical therapy regimen is a great way to improve stability.

Use of Braces

In addition to physical therapy, many therapists also recommend that their patients use splints or braces to improve posture and balance. The use of compression treatment, such as splinting, is another widely recommended therapeutic method to reduce pain from conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or knee pain.

Neuropathy and Diabetes

Many people diagnosed with diabetes develop diabetic neuropathy. With these patients, physical therapy is important but so is maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients find that strict nutrition and physical therapy work well together and produce the best long-lasting results.

For more information about the best physical therapy for neuropathy in Surprise, AZ, contact a chiropractic office in the area today!

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