Understanding The Most Common Red Deer Roofing Problems You May Face

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Home Improvement

Your roof serves as your home’s first layer of defence against all types of weather. Sometimes, however, that defence breaks down due to various roof problems. To ensure you’re a prepared homeowner, then, it’s important to be aware of these potential issues so that you can know what to look for and can call in Red Deer roofers at the first sign of trouble.

Missing Shingles

A missing shingle is like a gaping hole in the armour of your home. Even one missing shingle can allow water to penetrate your roof, leading to mould, mildew, and rot in the roofing deck and potential leaks throughout your home. It’s important to regularly walk around your home to check for missing shingles, especially after a storm. If you notice that a shingle has gone missing, Red Deer Roofers can fix the problem as soon as possible.

Incorrect Installation

Installing a roof on your home is a major undertaking that must be done correctly to provide the proper protection. When you look at your roof, you should notice an even pattern among all the shingles, with evenly spaced lines from side to side and top to bottom. If you notice a break in this pattern, it may be due to one or more shingles that have been incorrectly installed. If shingles have been incorrectly installed, the gaps between them may be too large, resulting in water leaks and unnecessary wear and tear.

Tree Damage

While trees add a significant amount of beauty to your property, they can wreak havoc on your roof. If one or more branches fall on your roof, it’s important to remove the branches as soon as you’re able so you can inspect your roof for damage. Although there may not be any visible damage to your roof, it’s important to have Red Deer roofers come and inspect your roof to ensure it is intact. That way, your roof can continue to offer a high level of protection for years to come. For quality roof repair and replacement, contact the experienced roofers of MCM Home Exteriors today.

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