Use a Free Government Phone in South Carolina To Call Family and Friends

by | Jul 4, 2022 | Broadband Service

After spending all your budget on food and housing, paying for mobile service to communicate with friends and family can be challenging. Being able to buy a phone and internet service is usually out of the question when you’re in this position. Fortunately, the FCC has created a plan to help individuals in this predicament. When you qualify for specific assistance programs, you can get a free government phone in South Carolina.

Qualifying for Lifeline Service

It’s essential for low-income families to have access to reliable phone service. You can get free or discounted wireless service through this program if you qualify. Qualifying for Lifeline service can be done when you already receive assistance in specific programs. These can include Federal Public Housing Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid and SSI.

How Can You Afford Broadband Service?

While receiving a free government phone in South Carolina can be handy, it won’t be beneficial if you can’t pay for broadband internet service. If you’re eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), it solves this problem by providing free talk, text and a data package. Qualifying for the ACP requires you to meet specific eligibility requirements. If you are already receiving Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, WIC, SSI or Lifeline, you can qualify for the ACP.

Talking With Friends and Family Can Be Affordable

Combining the ACP and Lifeline gives you access to unlimited talk, text and a data package. If you’d like to get started and learn more about this opportunity, be sure to visit Infiniti Mobile at .

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