Using Misting For Dust Control Systems

by | Sep 28, 2015 | Home and Garden

If you work on some shop floors or in warehouses, you are well aware of the problems that dust can cause. The same is true for construction sites. Legislation is often in place to ensure workers are safe from the problems that inhaling dust can bring. This is one major reason why many industries choose to employ dust control systems. Product safety is another.

While there are many different types of dust control systems on the market, companies need to take into consideration two factors. These are affordability and effectiveness. If they want to stay competitive, business owners have to be certain the money spent justifies the means. One way of obtaining both results is to install a misting system.

How Misting Acts as Dust Control Systems

Dust in many environments quickly becomes airborne. This is when the potential problems arising from dust become a reality. Dust in the air can get into machinery, enter products and be breathed in by all the working staff. The presence of dust creates a health and safety hazard for everyone.

High pressure misting systems counteract this. They actually prevent the dust from floating into the air. The release of a mist prevents the problem from emerging. The moisture in the air stops the dust from rising. It blocks it, effectively preventing it from ever leaving the ground. This simple means of handling the problem makes misting systems very effective and cost-efficient dust control systems.

Industrial Use of Dust Control Systems

When a misting system is employed as a means of controlling dust it is referred to as a wet system. The method is called wet dust suppression since it fixes the problem by suppressing it using water/mist. It has proven to be effectively employed in a number of industrial and other applications. Among the most common industries to use misting dust control systems are:

* Animal Rooms
* Automotive Plants
* Chemical Plants and Related Facilities
* Clean Rooms
* Construction Sites
* Food Processing Facilities
* Medical Resources
* Mining and Mine Processing Sites
* Paper Mills
* Paper Recycling Industries
* Pharmaceutical Companies
* Poultry Preparation and Farms
* Printing Shops
* Shipping and Grain Terminals
* Steel and Iron Mills
* Sewage Treatment Plants
* Textile Mills
* Trash Transfer Stations
* Wood Recycling Facilities
* Woodworking Shops and Factories

In such establishments, usually, ceiling mounted misting lines combine with anti-drip nozzles and high power water pressure to stop dust in its tracks – or, rather, on the ground.

Dust Control Systems

Many industries have begun to realize the benefits arising from wet dust control systems. They provide a means through which industries can keep their workers healthy and safe from potentially severe health issues. At the same time, these measures can also protect machinery from the damage that dust can cause. Industries can also adopt these dust control measures with a financially light heart since. When compared to several options, misting proves to be one of the better cost-effective means of suppressing dust. Misting truly acts as effective and relatively inexpensive dust control systems.

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