Vitamin D For Your Infant

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Healthcare

Vitamins are important for people of all ages, even to the smallest infants. While you probably recognize that vitamin D (among others) is a valuable component of your baby’s health, you may think that breastmilk or infant formula provides an adequate supply to your child. It may surprise you to learn that according to recent recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics, it’s unlikely that your infant is receiving adequate vitamin D without receiving a supplement. What is the value of this important vitamin, and how much does the AAP say your baby needs? And could vitamin D3 drops be the best choice for your child?

Benefits of Vitamin D

The primary benefit of vitamin D is that it aids the body in processing calcium and phosphorus, essential for strong bones and reducing the risk of bone-based injuries. The human body produces vitamin D by exposure to sunlight, but recent trends designed to protect the skin from overexposure—protective clothing, high-power sunscreen, spending more time indoors—can lead to a deficiency in vitamin D not only in children but in adults as well.

Recommended Dosage for Infants

The American Academy of Pediatrics provides vitamin D recommendations for infants, toddlers, and older children. While any advice should be a point of consultation with your regular physician, the AAP recommends 400 IU (International Unit, used to measure some vitamins) per day. This level is not typically achieved with infant formula nor with breastfeeding, unless the mother is supplementing approximately 6,000 IU/day. Vitamin D drops can be given to infants that help them reach their recommended level.

Child Life Nutrition provides vitamin D3 drops for your child that meet these needs, in addition to many other vitamin supplements that can help keep your child at their best health.

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