What are Green House Cleaning Services in San Antonio?

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Cleaning Service

With awareness growing about the toxicity of cleaning chemicals in the home, more house cleaning services in San Antonio are switching to green cleaning products. A “green” cleaner is natural and organic without the use of toxic chemicals or certain artificial ingredients in them.

The Dangers of Chemicals in the Home

There is a wide range of reactions that people, particularly children, may experience after exposure to chemical cleaning products. While some reactions may seem mild, such as the throat or eye irritations, for others they can be serious. Exposure to some chemicals can trigger breathing problems.

Some chemicals emit volatile organic compounds, VOCs, which can cause health problems such as headaches, nausea, damage to the liver or kidneys, and loss of coordination. Some people have developed cancer due to common household cleaners.

Do Green Cleaners Work?

The early green cleaning products didn’t seem to work as well as chemical cleaners. Companies responsible for green products are making improvements as researchers discover new organic agents and manufacturing techniques. Most green products are plant-based and are from farms that sustainably grow their ingredients.

These cleaners do not contain phosphates, chlorine, artificial coloring, and fragrances. If you’re concerned about the use of toxic chemicals in homes, request that house cleaning services in San Antonio only use green cleaning products.

Most home cleaning companies will honor the request as most of them are including or switching to natural, organic cleaners to protect their employees and customers.

Contact Maids On A Mission if you have any questions!

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