A veterinarian in Bowie is every bit as schooled as a medical doctor, with a bachelor’s degree from college plus a four-year course of studies at a veterinary school of medicine.
At completion, the veterinarian can carry the initials D.V.M., Doctor of Veterinary Medicine but to practice he must first sit a licensing exam to receive a license to practice within the state.
The required education:
There are 28 colleges in 26 states that a prospective veterinarian in Bowie can attend. These colleges meet the standards of accreditation that has been set by the American Veterinary Medical Association. As there is a lot of competition to get into one of these schools, an applicant with less than a bachelor’s degree will find it very difficult to gain acceptance regardless of the number of semester hours he may have.
Pre vet courses are little different than pre med; they emphasize the sciences with chemistry, physics, biochemistry, general biology and animal biology as pre requisites. Zoology, a study of genetics and animal nutrition are also classes that should have been taken prior to entrance into the school which eventually will graduate a veterinarian. Various social sciences and humanity courses as well as general business management are also part of the curriculum. As most graduates eventually have their own vet practice, the effective management of the clinic and or practice is necessary for success.
After graduation:
Once a new graduate has completed his schooling and gained his license he may begin to practice. There is very little in reciprocity between states so should the veterinarian in Bowie wish to relocate in another state he will have to pass that states licensing exam.
Most young graduates begin their careers by working in established vet practices. The capital to set up and outfit a modern practice is out of the realm of possibility for most new graduates but as the veterinarian gains experience, many will eventually break off and open their own practice. If joining a group practice upon graduation is not possible or practical, many graduates will join the US Government and work as meat and poultry inspectors, disease control specialists, animal welfare advocates and research assistants.
Many people who have a love for animals but do not wish to or cannot become a veterinarian in Bowie can become a veterinary assistant. The assistant assists the vet in all aspects, shepherding the “patient” through the various procedures that take place during the clinic visit. The veterinary assistant can collect blood samples, administer medications, collect samples of tissue, urine and fecal matter and do lab tests ordered by the vet prior to animal surgery. The veterinary assistant is charged with the responsibility of restraining the animal during its care as well as maintaining its feeding schedule, hygiene and exercise during confinement in the animal hospital.