What is a Psychic Soul Reading?

by | May 24, 2024 | Health

A psychic soul reading in Charlotte NC is not dissimilar to a standard psychic reading, but is somewhat more in-depth. Prophecy is involved but so too are inspiration, healing, and practical exercises intended to start the transformation of the soul by providing the tools someone will require for such a journey.

A psychic soul reading in Charlotte NC tends to begin with the reader using her clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance to sense the overall energy state of their client in addition to the energy of the Higher Self, the part of anyone that never dies which is sometimes referred to as the Divine Essence of the Soul, and to receive guidance from the Soul to the sitter to help create a more harmonious life.

In-person sessions are not necessary as reading soul energy from a distance offers equally effective results by allowing the reader to focus completely on the soul energy of their client without any unexpected distractions from the environment.

Techniques for a Psychic Soul Reading in Charlotte NC

One technique is known as energy reading. This is a reading of the client’s energy field around the body via clairvoyance (also known as clear seeing), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and clairaudience (clear hearing).

Another second technique is used to examine the growth and potential of the soul as expressed via the personality of the client in their current lifetime through consultation with the Soul Guides.

Therapeutic is an additional technique used that entails an exploration of the client’s current mental beliefs to detect stuck energy in the client’s life force energy due to unresolved emotional wounds, and ways to allow the energy to flow again.

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