What You Need to Know About Glaucoma

by | Oct 15, 2019 | Health

It is important to understand all of the eyesight problems that may accompany aging so that you are able to effectively treat and take care of them before they get worse. The longer that you wait to fix a problem such as glaucoma in Cincinnati, OH, the harder it will become to see. When you are suffering from glaucoma, it is important to understand many important factors including the symptoms of glaucoma, the risks factors determining those who can get glaucoma, the types of glaucoma that is present, ways to prevent glaucoma, and how this eyesight disorder can be diagnosed.


With the onset of glaucoma, there will be no noticeable symptoms; this is why it is important to maintain your regular eye examinations for early detection of this disorder. When glaucoma progresses there may be symptoms such as halos around lights, blurriness, and difficulty seeing. The longer glaucoma is left untreated the more symptoms will appear such as eye pain and soreness, redness, tearing, and sensitivity to bright lights.


It is important to know if you are at risk of developing glaucoma in Cincinnati, OH. Some of the things that can put you at a higher risk include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, being over 40, and family history. If you suffer from any of these problems, it is important to attend regular eye examinations and work to lessen medical problems such as hypertension.


There is several different type of glaucoma that you can have, and each of them will be handled in a different way. There are five different varieties of glaucoma, which are very common. They include closed angle, open angle, normal tension, congenital and secondary glaucoma. It is important to discuss the different types with your eye doctor to determine the best options for your eyes.


There are currently no methods available to completely prevent glaucoma treatment in Cincinnati, OH. There are some things that you can do to ensure that your eyes are kept safe and to reduce the likelihood of developing glaucoma. Try to control the symptoms of diabetes, maintain a healthy blood pressure, and keep your eyes away from situations that may cause injury. You should also attend your yearly eye examinations in order to catch glaucoma early.


As mentioned before, the best way to diagnose glaucoma is to attend your yearly eye examinations. The ophthalmologist will perform tests in order to check for glaucoma, in any of its stages. If glaucoma is detected, the ophthalmologist will discuss possible options for treating the glaucoma and assisting you in regaining your perfect eyesight again.

If you would like to know more about glaucoma, contact Harper’s Point Eye Associates.

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