When Is It a Smart Idea for You to Visit a Neurologist in New Jersey?

by | Jun 15, 2022 | Health

Neurologist in Old Bridge, NJ

Headaches are often caused by problems developing in the head or neck. If you have suffered from severe headaches, you may need to visit a

neurologist in Old Bridge, NJ.

The specialists at the neurology center can rule out alternative issues. Moreover, they can differentiate between blood vessel problems, muscle tension, and chemical activity. As a result, it won’t take the medical team long to discover a workable treatment plan. Treatment may include oxygen therapy if you suffer from cluster headaches.

Neurologist New Jersey

Whether you were in a car accident or playing sports, a TBI can wreak havoc on your life. Traumatic brain injuries occur when sudden movement smashes the brain against the skull. Such a rapid shift can trigger a hematoma, cerebral contusion, or hemorrhage.

Depending on case severity, hospitalization may be warranted following a TBI. Otherwise, excess bleeding could build up pressure in the intracranial space, causing damage. A neurologist in New Jersey will check you and determine how to proceed after evaluation.

Epilepsy Center in NJ

Visiting the epilepsy center in NJ is a great plan for those with an epileptic disorder. These cause electrical signals to cascade through the brain, triggering seizures. Furthermore, the resulting seizures can become a chronic disorder, making daily life difficult.

If you need seizure treatment in NJ, a specialist can help develop a treatment plan. This may include medication to manage symptoms, specific dietary advice, and neuromodulation.

Contact Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures: Amor Mehta MD (Neurology + Epileptology) at their website for info on seizure treatment in NJ.

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