When To Hire A Workers Compensation Lawyer

by | Jun 22, 2017 | Health

If you get injured on the job or become sick, you have the right to file a workers compensation claim. As the laws that apply are quite complex, it is reasonable for you to wonder if you should engage the services of a lawyer or not. The answer to this depends to a great extent on the potential complexity of your case and the injuries or illness you sustained while at work.

When you may not need a lawyer:

You may not need a lawyer if your injury was minor and you lost little time at work, and your employer takes responsibility.

As a workers compensation lawyer in Orange offers a free consultation, even in what may be simple cases, it is always a good idea to take advantage of the offer. The lawyer can give you an honest opinion based on law and tell you if it is acceptable for you to deal with the situation unaided.

When you definitely need a lawyer:

If you sense that there is going to be some complexities in your case, don’t wait; hire a workers compensation lawyer right away. Situations such as those that follow can and do happen:

   * Your employer denies your claim
   * The settlement you are offered does not cover your lost income or all your medical    * expenses
   * Your injuries prevent you from performing the job you were doing when you were injured
   * The company retaliates by firing you, reducing your wages, demoting you or discriminates against you in any way
   * There is the possibility of a third party claim

How can a lawyer help?

Your workers compensation lawyer in Orange can take charge immediately; he or she can ensure all the forms are filed properly and on time. Your lawyer knows what medical evidence is needed to support your claim. As the insurance company will most certainly be represented, hiring a skilled lawyer can even the playing field.

If you are injured at work always consult with a seasoned workers compensation lawyer in Orange. For a free evaluation of your case, you are invited to contact The Law Offices of Norman J. Homen.

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