Being disabled and unable to perform your usual work duties can be a very hard and depressing thing to deal with. Combine that with the fact you still need to find a way to feed your family and pay your bills, and it is enough to make you have a nervous breakdown. Because of situations like this, we have social security and disability in this country that will allow you to receive compensation to pay your bills and keep your family fed. The social security and disability system is great and helps many people, but it can be hard to get approved for your benefits, especially if you don’t have help to do so. If you are looking to significantly improve your chances of getting your claim approved, consider hiring a social security disability lawyer in Portsmouth. It can be one of the smartest moves you make.
Different circumstances cause someone to get denied for social security or disability benefits. While it is possible to be approved for a claim on your own, your social security and disability claim is more likely to be approved if you have the help of an experienced social security disability lawyer in Portsmouth. Alcoholism and drug addiction are just two of the reasons people can be routinely denied social security or disability benefits. The thing about that is, there is a level of proof that needs to be created to force them to come to that type of a decision, and a lawyer can help prove to the court the addiction you have is not the sole reason you are disabled. Another way cases are routinely denied is the improper filing of the paperwork. A lawyer will help you properly fill out the forms so there is no chance of denial.
Social Security disability is a valuable resource that helps provide a higher quality of life to those who can’t work due to a disability. However, qualifying for disability benefits can be a challenge, even when you have a clear-cut case. One minor mistake on the paperwork or a missing piece of documentation can be the difference between approval and denial. At O’Neil and Bowman Disability Group, you’ll work with an SSD attorney near Portsmouth who has the experience necessary to navigate your case and get a successful outcome. They are dedicated to providing quality service to clients looking for a resolution to their difficult compensation cases. Whether it is worker’s compensation cases, social security, and disability, or personal injury cases, they can handle it all. For more information, visit their website or contact them today.