If you think that the best way to get rid of cooking oil is to simply dump it out, you couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, there are many reasons why recycling and cooking oil cleanup in Chicago is far better than simple disposal.
Green Energy
Unfortunately, for years many restaurant managers told their employees to dump the used cooking grease down the drains of the restaurant. However, this can not only permanently damage the sewage pipes, but it also prevents any type of draining by severely clogging the pipes with solid fats. By collecting the grease and converting it through special processes, scientists have figured out how to actually power vehicles with the grease without having to use traditional oil or gasoline whatsoever.
Lower Total Cost
Compared to the cost of having to repair or replace damaged sewer lines or calling in industrial plumbers and their expensive equipment, the cost of recycling used cooking oil into usable fuel is insignificant.
Job Creation
The more that recycling cooking oil catches on, the more jobs are created. This goes from production line workers who manufacture the equipment to do the actual recycling all the way to the city and municipal workers who perform the actual collecting.
Environmental Protections
Fuel created from cooking oil cleanup in Chicago does not emit any greenhouse gases. This is a great boon to the environment and all those who work for its protection. If you are interested in learning more about cooking oil cleanup and recycling, contact Cabeno Environmental Field Services, LLC today.