If you have come to a point in your life where you are very confused by the all of the problems that you are dealing with, it may be time to sit down and talk with someone. Usually, it’s not a good idea to talk with your friends and family members about your personal information. After all, depending on the situation, it could be something that you would regret. Instead, set up an appointment with a Psychologist in Royal Oak Mi as soon as possible.
If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, this is definitely something that needs to be taken care of. Maybe you are in the process of going through a divorce and you feel like your world is crashing down. There is no shame in admitting that you cannot control your pain any longer.
If you are currently married and you are interested in getting some help to improve your marriage, this is also something that your Adult Child & Family Counseling Psychologist in Royal Oak Mi can help you with. It is important to remember that your psychologist is going to keep your situation confidential. You can tell them your most private problems and they are not going to judge you for your feelings. Instead, they are going to work to help you to get through them.
If you have children, you may think about a family counseling session. This way, everyone can get the tools that they need to live a better life. Your counselor is going to be there to give you advice so that you can pick up the pieces and learn how to be happy with yourself.
Your psychologist can also help you with things such as anxiety and depression. If you feel as if you are anxious for no specific reason, it may be time to think about getting it under control. You are certain to be surprised at how quickly this problem can fade away if you have the right tools to make it happen. Set up your first appointment with your psychologist today and then you can decide what steps to take. Contact Robert J. Flewelling, PsyD PLLC